Monday, October 13, 2008


So, today it rained, didn't really feel like going, was pretty depressed/bummed, when I woke up. But, day turns out to be fine! I'm cheered up a little. Thanks to friends, these are what friends are for. Today, was like "brotherhood day". Called in the bros, Yana and my brothaaa, Calvin Gan Hock Han! Yea, skate-ed at esplanade, went marina, played arcade, pool. Skate at citylink underpass, can land a few stuff, stomped on Zhi Sian's deck "accidentally". Sorry Zhi Sian, now I owe him my second hand deck and $50. sadnesss! but I didn't know I'm that strong, teehee! Yea, went memorial after that, didn't skate that much, ohh and like tonight's a full moon, check it out! Yea, werewolves will come out now. Beware! And like the smoke on the banks came on, went through it, so refreshinggg! Smoooookkee on the waaaaterr....Dag, dag, daaag, dag, dag, dea, neaowww!
Seriously had fun today.

"I've seen a sketch in black and white (In black and white!)"

For the love of it.

Will this make us hate each other?
Will this make each of us sad?
Or, will this make us only, stronger?
There's nothing I can do, if you don't feel like talking to me.
Just hear the tone of your voice.

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