Friday, October 3, 2008


Erm, had Maths 2 today, like finally, after all waiting, was late, cause left house late, cause had diarrhea from 12am to 3am, and again in the morning. Then after, I finish the paper, pain comes in, looked at sides, for some reason, Ronald, Qi Yun, Jacob, were leaning on table, like their in pain too, turns out I'm right. It was all from Muzz. Then after had to go Auditorium, yea, then I couldn't take it, went to release the pain. Great comfort, it wasn't too long, till the pain come in again.
So shat, changed, took charcoal pills, then went to meet them. Saw the Megan group, and met them, filled up the form. Yea, walked alot in vivo, and then saw the mini dv cam, so niceee! And shat again! So niceeee! Then went home, felt asleep, then wake up, go home, drop on bed, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.......
So what we doing tomorrow? Someone's birthday's coming.

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