Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's a Thursday, and my life right now, is friggin' frustrating.

Ok, there's disappointments and frustrations in my life already. And today, it just had to add on.
Right so, Naka got like $120 plus for his pay, but that's still little. And me? I've only got $88.75. I know I'm a total loser. All those sweat, long nights and scoldings! Gone down the drain! I even had cold and still went to work! Sucks la! I'm gonna ask the supervisor tomorrow! And Naka spent his pay on a element board. Maybe I'm gonna get shoes. Maybe Vans, maybe emerica, maybe circa.
Frustrated:( Real bad. Plenty of things I'm frustrated with. I wish I wasn't. So tomorrow, it's a morning shift, and I've got dental, planning for pink again. I'm such a loser.

"Oh simple thing where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on,
So tell me when you're gonna let me in,
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin with."

I guess you're going to act as if nothing ever happened.
And move on, doing what you want.

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