Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So, today, was boring, again.
Like nothing much really happened,
Found the book on occults and stuff, very weird
and played soccer, at first, some guy was near me when he had the ball,
so he took it, and rammed it directly at me, luckily, it missed,
and he was laughing and saying sorry, both at the same time,
minutes later, I got the ball running else where, next thing I knew,
he pushed me down flat, I tripped and ended up with bruises and cut,
then thats all, I have no grudges whatsoever, it just bad cause he's a good friend,
After that, we watched movie, they switched to some erotic part, and a lot of gay things happened.
Went home after that, every day's the same, I really wish something new will happen.
Bet they are having fun, playing and everything.
Cause I'm not that close with my friends anymore, still close but not as close.
I don't bother to open up and go all sociable. Things just change just like that.
Well, tomorrow's three hours maths, straight, and it's choco-time, so, yay!

Hope your stomach's fine, even if I don't know what's going on. And don't feel sad, about the class.

"If I could get this feeling to end
Trembling idle hands holding me there."
It justs seems so pointless.
Oh yea, for the "vespa"

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